Terms and Conditions

This site is provided as an introduction to Salters Car Buying Centre only, based on general information including that provided by third parties. Information given may change and some time may pass before this website can be updated in respect of all information affected. That being so Salters Car Buying Centre and Total Dealer do not guarantee or warrant that information on this website is accurate or complete and makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the site or the information, content or details disclosed on this site.

Except as expressly provided for in writing or as regarded by law, the liability of Salters Car Buying Centre and Total Dealer arising from the use of this site or the goods and services purchased using this site is specifically excluded and Salters Car Buying Centre and Total Dealer disclaimers all warranties and any liability for damages of any kind and any liability whether in contract, tort under statute or otherwise for any injury, damage or loss whatsoever. No reliance should be placed on information contained or is to be implied or inferred from this website without checking the details with an authorised officer of Salters Car Buying Centre. Specifications and descriptions are provided by manufacturers.

Vehicle Information

The information, pictures, colours, and specifications contained within the Salters Car Buying Centre website are presented as a general guide only. Although every effort has been made to ensure that such information is correct and up to date, no warrant is provided that all such information is reliable, complete, accurate or without error. In some cases pictures of overseas models may be shown as a guide. Therefore, Salters Car Buying Centre and Total Dealer do not accept liability for damages of any kind resulting from the access or use of this site and its contents.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

All text, images and sounds supplied by the manufacturer, third parties or Salters Car Buying Centre on this site are subject to Copyright and other intellectual property rights of the manufacturer, suppliers and/or Salters Car Buying Centre. All production, designs and design related works and software, including but not limited to website source code, on this site are subject to Copyright and intellectual property rights of Total Dealer and are licensed for use by Salters Car Buying Centre. These materials may not be copied for commercial use or distribution or otherwise modified or reposted to other sites.

Personal & Non Commercial Use Only

Data on this website are provided for your personal and non-commercial use only. You must not, without the written approval of Total Dealer:

  • Modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish or license any data from this website;
  • Use or attempt to use any data published on this website to create any web site or publication;
  • Mirror or frame any data published within this website;
  • Use any automated process of any sort to query, access or copy any data on this website or generate or compile any document or database based on the data published on this website;
  • Transfer or sell any data offered on this website.

All Trademarks displayed on this site are subject to the legal rights of Salters Car Buying Centre or the other Trademark owners and the unauthorised use of any Trademark displayed on this site is strictly prohibited.


This site may only be used for lawful purposes and Salters Car Buying Centre reserves the right to deal or refuse to deal with any user. No contract will be made or deemed to be entered into unless confirmed in writing by Salters Car Buying Centre.


(a) “we,” “our,” and “us” refer to the Westpoint Autos group of companies, including its subsidiaries;

(b) Online Valuation denotes the estimated price we, as Westpoint Autos Group, may offer for your Vehicle, as determined under clause 4;

(c) On-Site Inspection signifies our assessment of the Vehicle at a mutually agreed time and place;

(d) ‘Security Interest’ refers to a security interest registered under the Personal Property Securities Act 2010;

(e) Offer to Purchase is an offer made by Us, Westpoint Autos Group, to buy your Vehicle at a price determined following the On-site Inspection;

(f) Vehicle is the one described in the Sell Your Car request form;

(g) “you” and “your” denote the person completing the Sell Your Car Service Request Form.


By completing the 'Sell Your Car Request Form,' you affirm your desire for us, Westpoint Autos Group of companies and its subsidiaries ("we," "our," or "us"), to conduct an online valuation of Your Vehicle. Following an inspection at a location specified by Us, we, as part of the Westpoint Autos Group, may proceed with the purchase of Your Vehicle or consider it for a trade-in ('Sell Your Car Service'), subject to the conditions outlined in these Terms and Conditions.

Capacity to sell

(a) To use the Sell Your Car Service, you must:

(i) be over 18 years old;

(ii) be the registered owner of the Vehicle, or possess written consent from the registered owner or a valid power of attorney to sell the Vehicle.

(b) By submitting a Sell Your Car Request Form, you:

(i) represent and warrant that all provided information is complete and accurate;

(ii) acknowledge being the sole registered owner of the Vehicle.

Online Valuation

Upon receiving the Sell Your Car Request Form, we, Westpoint Autos Group, will provide an estimate of the value we may pay for your Vehicle ('Online Valuation'). In providing this estimate, we assume that your Vehicle:

(a) In providing this estimate, we assume that your Vehicle:

(i) has valid Vehicle registration for at least 6 months from the inspection date;

(ii) is in excellent condition with no defects or damage;

(iii) is not a used import;

(iv) has an accurate working odometer and original odometer and engine;

(v) if older than 7 years, the vehicle has traveled 20,000 km per year or less;

(vi) is not registered on the Written Off Vehicle Register or declared stolen;

(vii) has no damage or water immersion;

(viii) has no non-factory approved parts, or non-genuine paint or color.

(b) Your estimated online value is adjusted based on information provided by you about:

(i) the number of working keys;

(ii) service history and logbooks;

(iii) overall vehicle condition (including windscreen);

(iv) mechanical condition (including any dash warning lights);

(v) variations based on the make and model of the vehicle

(c) The Online Valuation:

(i) is an estimated market value based on aggregated sales data and information submitted via our website;

(ii) serves as an indicative guide only and is not a binding offer to purchase the vehicle.

Inspection and offer

(a) You must accept the Online Valuation and schedule an On-Site Inspection for your vehicle before finalizing our offer.

(b) During the On-Site Inspection, you must:

(i) provide internal and external access to the Vehicle;

(ii) present documents proving ownership or authority to deal with the Vehicle;

(iii) provide all sets of keys, service history/log book, and relevant documents;

(iv) if the Vehicle is financed, provide a lender's letter showing the outstanding payout balance and agreement to release any Security Interest.

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